Thora Abhi, Baaqi?
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3 easy installments
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Rs. 15,000 shopping limit
How it works?
BaadMay is a simple payment platform that allows you to pay for anything in three monthly installments. You purchase now and keep paying later to simplify your shopping sprees and shop for all in Brumano via BaadMay.
Go to the shopping cart, select the payment terms as Buy Now Pay Later
If you are new to BaadMay:
Add and verify your phone number
Add your full name and CNIC
Set-up and confirm your T-pin
Add your Debit/Card to your BaadMay Wallet
Select BaadMay as your preferred payment option.
Verify your payment. Your first installment is paid instantly, the rest are set at auto-payment and you are good to go! Keep shopping on Brumano via BaadMay!
Your first installment is paid instantly, the rest are set at auto-payment and you are good to go! Keep shopping on Brumano via BaadMay!